We make

mobile apps ~ backend solutions ~ design ~ analytics ~ IT services ~ software development ~ tech advisoring

since iPhone 2G vs Nexus One was a thing.

5 strangers in a room,
they might be friends

Sphat is a chat-based mobile game for iOS and Android. Oh, and it's built with Longwave’s proprietary chat system.

sphat app screenshot

The Chat System for your next idea is already here

Built with nuts and Socket.io, our fully fledged System supports everything you need for your Whatsapp-a-like service. With end to end encryption.

Live streaming, where it all began. For us.

There was a time where going live on Facebook was impossibile and Silicon Valley was roaring. We tried, we did it and fortunately we met.

Streamago app screenshot

Tailored Design

Fast, clean, evolving
We shape and re-shape digital products to create amazing experiences. We've been creating user centric designs since UX and UI were only concepts, not jobs.

The right technology

Passionate about coding
We specialise in building reliable and scalable architecture, we define how to handle your data to push performance and efficiency to the limit.

Evolve with data

Let's make analytics work
We build, we crush, we disrupt the data to unlock vital information about the business with our expertise in customer analytics.

We know how to build high availability, scalable and fault tolerant services.

We can help you elevate your product and adapt to changing demands.

We take care of the whole flow, from the idea, through business requirements to design and development.

The perfect UX and UI can lead your product to success.

We can help you study and build your product identity, define a functional User Experience and the most appealing User Interface to bring your idea to life.

We know how to build high availability, scalable and fault tolerant services.

Our core is mobile applications development, but we don't stop at that.

Focus your resources on your core business and let us handle the rest.

Getting a hold of your data its vital to your business growth.

We provide you with full-fledged guidance to your data pipeline analysis, to swiftly adapt to the continuous changes.

Need a partner for your next project?

Contact us

We are

We worked together for almost 5 years and we care about each other. Our people centric culture reflects in the relationship with our partners, allowing us to perform at our best and to succeed together.

Alessio Bonu

iOS Engineer

Massimo Cesaraccio

iOS Engineer

Ovidio Morisano

iOS Engineer

Giuseppe Broccia

Android Engineer

Samuele Sciancalepore

Android Engineer

Alessandro Cucca

Product Designer

Edoardo Balloi

Data Engineer

Luca Corona

Fullstack Developer

Sergio Picciau

Fullstack Engineer

Ernesto Puddu

Backend & Streaming Engineer

Andrea Salidu

Backend Engineer

Fabio Picciau

Frontend Developer

Where we came from

Longwave is a dev studio born in Sardinia from the union of professionals and passionate with many years of experience in Mobile Development, scalable architectures in high availability, Video Streaming and Real Time Communication, Data Analytics and Machine Learning, Service Design and UX / UI.